1 min readJan 21, 2021


It was three years ago.

I took a break or did it just let it break?

I was so full of words, some not many have heard.

But then I took a leap, of actually typing my thoughts.

Forgive me not, but these are my real words.

For those years I’m stuck. Stagnant as its finest.

Words and deep realizations avoided me.

I’m lost in a gruesome paradise. I was bored yet I cannot move. I was practically sinking in my own adversity. I am numb.

I tried reading.

Variety of genre to keep the fire burning.

I am not sure what happened.

Instead of wind blowing up to rekindle, it was mud dripping, leaving weights of nonsense.

Excuse such shallow words for I am still in shock.

Shock how far I’ve become to what I really am.

My trail of thoughts disembarked years ago.

It’ll probably will take years to rebuild again.

But I am happy today.

I’m getting back on track.

I wish life has a hack.

